Sunday, July 29, 2007

EDITTT: & finally the haiku from DEAR JASMiN,HAIKU.ppt , study hard. :D

EDIT: Everyone's asking for limerick{as quoted from su}, so here's some 'basic' info,
Limerick is a form of poetry with humor involved, CENSORED humor.
They are basically 5 lines, following an aabba rhyme scheme. That's quite all, here's a common example,
An epicure dining at Crewe
Found a rathe large mouse in his stew.
Criedthe waiter, "Don't shout
And wave it about
Or the rest will be wanting one too."

Haiku are 3 lines most of the time, 5-7-5 syllables, clear cut and simple language.

Acrostic, don't need say, it's understandable.

And I have no idea why the FreeVerse one so big, don't ask me, ask the people who sent me.

I know it's too late, but who cares, maybe everyone's just appearing offline.
Edits: Since there's only left with limerick, haiku and acrostic, some people says haiku and acrostic are damn obvious, nothing to learn, left limerick. If it's not up tomorrow, just get the basic info from google or somewhere.

The lit slides are as follow,

CINQUAIN- cinquain.ppt
FREEVERSE- FreeVerse.ppt
SONNET- Sonnet.ppt

Last 3 are still not received yet, members of the Haiku, Limerick and Acrostic groups, please send by today.


Remember to study.

4:24 PM


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Those who haven't sent me your ppt, please do so asap k? If you see this and your group hasn't sent yet, please inform the one who's holding on to it to send. Thanks.

Still Missing;

Free Verse

Do hurry and send it to


3:42 PM


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hahs, guess it's time for some updates. Been ages after the class chalet, hope you people have had your fun or at least enjoyed it. But now, let's concentrate for the CTs coming up on the 30th.

But before that, we shall wish the June and July people happy birthday.

Happy birthday to Jane on the 4th of June, stay cheerful! {:
Brandon on the 10th, don't be sensitive la. The creature is cute. :D
Shirlyn on the 19th, it'll come soon, meanwhile, don't talk so loud! :x
YueCong on the 20th, bless you and your laopo! xD
ChiangHong on the 21st, shouldn't you be born on the 17th? ;X
YanLing on the 22nd, be more humorous? LAUGH :D
and lastly QiXiang on the 27th, don't watch movies alone la, at least get a guy and be gays! :DD

Next the July ones,
RenXian on the 14th, c'mon, 14 years old le, try to be more mature?
Jasmin on the 16th, oh love! Don't just sayang the picture, sayang the person! {: {:
HuiYi on the 16th as well, hmm, hope you had a nice birthday?

That's all for now, the August people coming up soon.
It's so so so much better to receive gifts then giving, pardon the materialism.

Remember to study. :D

10:37 PM